Our Sports Partner The Marathon Shop Maldives is proud to announce an all expense paid race in Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon 2023.
Participate in Maldives Half Marathon, 10K, 15K or Half Marathon category and stand a chance to win an all expenses paid 2 night race in Ras Al Khaimah Half Marathon 2023 on Feb 18th.
Terms and Conditions:
1- Join the physical race in 10k, 15k or 21.0975KM Category.
2- Finish and upload a photo of finisher medal to instagram and tag and @movemaldives
3- Follow and @movemaldives
4- Have to finish within the time limit for the lucky draw.
If you have a private account, send a DM.
Time limits:
Half Marathon : Faster than 1h 59m
15K Faster than 1h29m
10K: Faster than 59m59s
Half Marathon : Faster than 2h 15m
15K Faster than 1h 45m
10K: Faster than 1h15m