Addu Trail Run 2022

Terms and Conditions


Age Limits

 15K 10 years and above
10K 10 years and above
5K 6 years and above

All participants must register through the registration process online via 

Participants must be fully aware of and understand the full risks involved in their participation in the race, in regards to possible damages, or harm to their health.
Registration forms of participants below 18 years must be submitted by the parent/person exercising parental responsibility. By submitting the relevant entry form, the consent of the parent/person exercising parental responsibility for the participation of the child in the event is assumed.

Every runner participates in the event at his/her own free will.

Every runner participates in the event on his/her own responsibility and bears full responsibility as to his/her fitness condition and ability to participate.

Last minute change of race category is not allowed under any circumstances.

Upon confirmation of the registration, no further change regarding the selected t-shirt size of the runner is allowed. 

Upon confirmation of the registration, refunds are not allowed.

Participants consent to the use of their image during, before and after the race and expo by the organizers, sponsors, or other partners of the event for promotional purposes, with no right to claim full or partial compensation for that reason.

By agreeing to current Terms & Conditions, the participant consents to his/her photos being taken by the event's photographers and the Official Photo Agency of the event. The event is being filmed, recorded and exploited by means of online, television, film, video, printed or some other broadcast or media format. The participant agrees to the use and reproduction of his/her name, likeness, appearance and photograph. All such commercial rights in relation to the above belong entirely to event organizers and the participant has no proprietary rights in relation to any film, photograph or other such recorded media, nor right to claim full or partial compensation for that reason.

Race Schedule

Events takes place on the day and time that has been announced as such, regardless of weather conditions. Only in cases of exceptional circumstances or a natural disaster, Organizing Committee of the event has the right to decide on the postponement of the start time or the cancellation of the event, depending on the current conditions. In such cases, the registration fee is NOT refunded to the registered runners.

Organizing Committee of the event has the right to change the event’s schedule, the terms and conditions regarding participation and staging of the event, without prior notice, by posting such a decision on the website/social media channels. 

Registration Fee

15K Physical Run
Registration Fee with finisher medal only: MVR250
Registration Fee with finisher medal & race tee shirt: MVR500

10K Physical Run | MVR225 | MVR475
Registration Fee with finisher medal only: MVR225
Registration Fee with finisher medal & race tee shirt: MVR475

5K Physical Run | MVR200 | MVR450
Registration Fee with finisher medal only: MVR200
Registration Fee with finisher medal & race tee shirt: MVR450 

All Virtual Run Categories (5K, 10K & 15K):
Registration Fee with finisher medal only: MVR150
Registration Fee with finisher medal & race tee shirt: MVR400

Runner Entitlements

Race Bib (Physical Race)
Digital Race Bib (Virtual Race)

Race Tee. (Virtual and Physical Race)

Finisher Entitlements 

All Races:
Finisher Medal.
Digital Certificate. 

Race Kit Collection

Race kits for physical races are personally collected by the registered runners and only from the event’s EXPO held in Meedhoo, Addu City during the times announced.

Race tee shirts and medals can be collected by the registered runners and only from Family Room Cafe, Hulhumale during the times announced.

A registered runner may authorize another person to collect his/her race bib on his/her behalf from the event’s Registration Centre & EXPO, as mentioned above, presenting an authorization by the registered runner on the responsibility, of the latter, as well as a copy of the ID card or other legal identification document (for example passport, driving license) of the registered runner.

In order to collect race bibs and race kits, it is required, in addition to presenting ID card or other legal identification document (e.g. passport, driving license) of the registered runner, to also present a copy of the “confirmation e-mail” that is sent to all registered runners.

Race bibs and kits that are not properly collected during the operating days and hours of the event’s Registration Centre & EXPO, may not be collected under no circumstances thereafter.

Race Day

Participants are obliged to strictly follow the instructions of the organizers, volunteers, and event’s staff, including calls to abandon the course and stop the race.
Any breach or non-compliance with the race regulations announced by the event organizers will result in the disqualification of the participant from the event and erasure from the race results without any kind of compensation.

The race bib is personal and may not be conveyed, transferred, or be given to another runner under any circumstances.

Participants are obliged to read and respect the instructions provided by the Organizing Committee of the event, either electronically, or in printed format (such as Medical & Technical Instructions, Race Manual) and which have been announced in the official website of the event.

Access to the race course, and the areas at the start/finish of the event is not permitted under any circumstances, to non-registered runners.

Every participant is obliged to fill in, on his/her own responsibility, the data required at the back side of his/her race bib, whether it is relevant to contact information, or personal medical data.

Use of bicycle or other wheeled mean is not allowed on the race course, whether it is about a runner, or another accompanying person. In such case, the directly involved participant is excluded from the race and is called upon to withdraw from the event.

Participants must follow all the local laws and regulations throughout the event.

The use of headphones is strongly discouraged. If you must wear headphones, be extra-aware of your surroundings and make sure you can hear announcements as well as being aware of other participants around you.

Race EXPO Schedule

Day 1, Friday, 8 July 2022

1600 Race kit Issuing Opens

1800 Race kit Issuing Closes

Day 2, Saturday, 9 July 2022

1400 Race kit Issuing Opens

1500 Race kit Issuing Closes

Race Day Schedule

Saturday, 9 July 2022.

1400 Race Village Opens.

1500 Reporting Time: 15KM & 10KM

1530 Reporting Time: 5KM

1600 Race Flag-off: 15KM & 10KM

1630 Race Flag-off: 5KM

Last updated Mon, 13 Jun 22 22:04:33 +0500